If you're searching for top recommended product with discount price and high quality, then NXG Technology NX-C8.2-P Pro 8" 120-Watt In-Ceiling 2-Way Speakers With Pivoting Tweeters (pair) is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of great reviews about this product. NXG Technology NX-C8.2-P Pro 8" 120-Watt In-Ceiling 2-Way Speakers With Pivoting Tweeters (pair) completed with lots of features making it the best product.
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NXG Technology NX-C8.2-P Pro 8" 120-Watt In-Ceiling 2-Way Speakers With Pivoting Tweeters (pair)
Product Features
- Minimum diffraction pivoting 1" fluid cooled, high tenacity teteron dome tweeter; Metallic anodized graphite filled injection molded RCT cone woofer with rubber surround
- Optimized 12dB electro-acoustic crossover utilizing Mylar capacitors, air core inductors and gold input terminals; Baffle mounted micro switches allow speakers to be adjusted to better match room acoustics
- Reduced resonance, minimum diffraction, polycarbonate baffle; Dog leg type mounting system
- Perforated woofer basket helps shield driver from insulation and debris; Foam grille backing hides speaker components from view
- Corrosion resistant powder coated aluminum grille and may be painted to match any decor